
Dr. Marko Blašković

O predavaču

Dr. Blašković je diplomirao 2003. godine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Rijeci, na Studiju dentalne medicine. Nakon obavljenog pripravničkog staža, radi u Poliklinici Blašković. Specijalistički ispit iz oralne kirurgije polaže 2016. godine. Od 2016. godine postaje naslovni asistent na Katedri za oralnu kirurgiju Fakulteta dentalne medicine Sveučilišta u Rijeka. Nakon uspješne obrane doktorske disertacije, stječe titulu doktora znanosti 2023. godine.

Sudjeluje aktivno na više domaćih i međunarodnih kongresa. Autor je i koautor znanstvenih i stručnih članaka objavljenih u domaćim i međunarodnim recenziranim časopisima. Također, autor i koautor je više poglavlja objavljenih u stručnim knjigama, od čega tri poglavlja u sveučilišnom udžbeniku.

Član je Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine, Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora, Hrvatskog društva za dentalnu implantologiju i Hrvatskog društva za oralnu kirurgiju.


GBR with NOVAMag Membrane: New possibilities

Guided bone regeneration is the best documented technique for alveolar bone regeneration. This surgical technique is characterized by the application of a membrane which has the purpose to exclude non-osteogenic cells from interfering with the bone regeneration process. Today, there are several different membranes developed for the guided bone regeneration technique on the market. All the membranes can be clustered into two different groups: resorbable and non-resorbable. Each group is characterized by their own advantages and disadvantages. Resorbable membranes are less demanding to use, they do not need to be removed from the surgical site and have a lower exposure rate. Despite that, they have some disadvantages, bad mechanical properties which can lead to bone graft dislocation and the loss of the surgical site. On the other hand, non-resorbable membranes possess better mechanical properties but have a higher exposure rate and require an additional surgical procedure to be removed from the surgical site.

To overcome some of the disadvantages of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes, a new type of membrane was developed. The new membrane possesses the advantages of both groups: it is resorbable and has improved mechanical characteristics comparable to non-resorbable titanium reinforced membranes.


GBR with NOVAMag Membrane: Tips & Tricks

Bone regeneration of non-contained defects is associated with lower predictability and increased technical difficulty because of increased soft tissue pressure and slower revascularisation.

Mechanical properties of the membrane are crucial to counteract the increased soft tissue pressure and prevent the membrane collapsing into the defect and the displacement of the bone graft.  The new resorbable, formstable membrane (NOVAMag) is characterized by enhanced mechanical properties which are equal or superior to d-PTFE titanium reinforced membranes.

During the hands-on training different tools and techniques used with NOVAMAg membrane will be explained. The participants will learn how to use the NOVAMAg membrane when regenerating contained and non-contained alveolar bony defects.

To overcome some of the disadvantages of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes, a new type of membrane was developed. The new membrane possesses the advantages of both groups: it is resorbable and has improved mechanical characteristics comparable to non-resorbable titanium reinforced membranes.


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