Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli

O predavaču

Diplomirao je dentalnu medicinu 1988. na Sveučilištu u Bologni, Italija.

Godine 1999. stekao je doktorat iz medicinske biotehnologije na Sveučilištu u Bologni, Italija.

Od 2000. godine je redoviti profesor i dekan Odjela za parodontologiju na Sveučilištu u Bologni, Italija.

Dobitnik je mnogih nagrada za klinička istraživanja u parodontologiji u Europi i SAD-u.

Godine 2006. i 2008. dobitnik je nagrade AAP Foundation-E Bud Tarrson Research Award u oralnoj plastičnoj kirurgiji.

Godine 2020. proglašen je počasnim članom AAP-a.

Od 2020. do 2022. predsjednik Talijanske akademije za osteointegraciju (IAO).

Aktivni je član EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry), SIdP (Talijansko društvo za parodontologiju) i IAO (Talijanska akademija za osteointegraciju). Također je član European Federation of periodontology.

Suradnik je urednika International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry i član uredničkog odbora za International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry.

Recenzent je u najviše rangiranim parodontološkim časopisima.

Autor je 130 publikacija u PubMed-u.

Inovator je nekoliko tehnika plastične kirurgije mekih tkiva.

Govornik je na velikim međunarodnim konferencijama o parodontologiji.

Predavao je teorijske i praktične tečajeve (sa live operacijama)u svim zemljama.

Koautor je dva ilustriranih udžbenika iz parodontološke plastične kirurgije (izd. Martina).

Koautor je poglavlja “Mucogingival Therapy-Periodontal Plastic Surgery” u kliničkoj parodontologiji i implantološkoj stomatologiji (urednici: Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T, Wiley-Blackwel).

Autor je knjige ‘Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery’ izdavača Quintessence objavljene na 12 jezika i autor knjige “Mucogingival esthetic kirurgija oko implantata” objavljene 2022. godine.

Više o predavaču na:


Mucogingival approach to implant placement

Immediate implant installation is traditionally considered as a flapless procedure and it is indicated only in sites with ideal anatomical conditions such as an intact facial bone wall with a thick wall phenotype (> 1 mm) and a thick gingival biotype.

The aim of the lecture will be to describe a mucogingival approach to immediate implant installation that allow performing this surgical treatment also in different clinical scenarios, such as:

  • Unfavorable position of the soft tissue margin of the tooth to be extracted
  • Unfavorable condition of the soft tissue margin of the adjacent teeth (presence of gingival recession or altered passive eruption)
  • Loss of papillae height and thickness of the tooth to be extracted
  • Unfavorable condition of the buccal bone wall

Learning objectives

  • Identify indications for immediate implant placement
  • Learn how to use in the proper way the biomaterials for GBR
  • Learn how to manage flap elevation and CTG

Hands-on course

Mucogingival esthetic surgery around teeth

The hands-on course is planned and designed to develop periodontal surgical skills.

The aim of the workshop is to teach the participants the procedure of the coronal advanced flap, the harvesting technique of the connective tissue graft and the use of a collagen matrix for the treatment of gingival recessions.

The workshop will be held by Prof. Zucchelli who will show on the pig’s jaw the procedures that will be performed by all the participants. Participants will be individually followed while performing the exercises and will receive direct suggestions from the mentor.

Learning objectives of the workshop:

  1. Describe step by step root coverage surgical procedures
  2. Describe step by step connective tissue graft harvesting
  3. Manipulation of a collagen matrix as CTG substitute
  4. Suturing techniques

Broj sudionika max.: 24 osobe