7:30 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:15
Pozdravna riječ
9:15 - 11:00
All-on-4 ® concept: Complications and challenges which lead to evolution on restoring the complete edentulous and failing dentition patient
The past 25 years have shown us that is possible to treat edentulous patients with high functional and aesthetic fixed solution through the All-on-4 ® concept.
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This concept has proven to be highly successful, with 91,7% success rate for the All-on-4 surgical protocol in the mandible (up to 18 years follow-up) and a 93,9% success rate for the All-on-4 surgical protocol maxillary techniques (up to 13 years follow-up).
The success of the technique and the continue follow-up of our treatments, have brought in numerous of challenges, which we have to overcome in a daily practice.
Through innovation, along with continuous clinical and scientific research, it has been possible to establish protocols on:
- how to address an edentulous maxilla according to the amount of bone available
- how to achieve good primary stability and how much is enough
- how to overcome the lost of implants
- how to be more predictable from planning to final result
- customised maintenance programs according to peri-implant risk factors
- new implant surfaces and abutments surfaces, which enhance Mucointegration
- what to do when complications occur and how to resolve them
– when and how to resolve complications with zygoma implants, pterygoid implants and other specific implants.
The search to overcome our daily complications and challenges will continue to be our mission in order to find the solutions, as the All-on-4 ® concept has increased the quality of life for thousands of patients worldwide.
11:00 - 11:30
Stanka za kavu
Grab a coffee, drink or a snack.
11:30 - 13:15
Vertical Hard & Soft Tissue Regeneration
Vertical and horizontal augmentation presents one of the greatest challenges of bone regeneration in implant dentistry.
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This is primarily due to the difficulty of the surgical procedure and its potential complications. However, it has been demonstrated that successful clinical outcomes can be predictably achievable when strict protocols are followed.
The detailed understanding of clinical anatomy should guide the clinician when managing the soft tissue flaps in an attempt to securely close the flaps to achieve optimal healing environment of the graft. Graft immobilizations, the optimal use of graft materials are essential in achieving bone formation even in a distance from the bony walls. This presentation will summarize the essential steps of ridge augmentation and gives an insight how a clinician can learn these demanding procedures.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth
2. Learn the surgical principles of ridge augmentation surgery
3. Learn the tension free closure of the flaps after vertical ridge augmentation
4. Learn soft tissue reconstructions after ridge augmentation
13:15 - 14:30
Protetski vođena implantologija i digitalne tehnologije – prilike i izazovi
Krenimo od finalnog rješenja: kako povezati Smile Design s interdisciplinarnom rehabilitacijom osmijeha
Dr. Ivan Ćatović
FP1-FP2-FP3 prosthetics
From a Single Tooth Replacement to a Full Arch Rehabilitation
Dr. Damir Jelušić
Protetski vođena implantologija i digitalna rješenja
Dr. Zoran Kovač
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Krenimo od finalnog rješenja: Kako povezati Smile Design s interdisciplinarnom rehabilitacijom osmijeha
dr. Ivan Ćatović
Danas se iznimno veliki naglasak pridaje estetici u svim područjima života. Poznati je utjecaj osmijeha na samopouzdanje, osobnu i poslovnu kvalitetu života. Uspješnost oralne rehabilitacije ne ovisi samo o zadovoljavanju biološkog i funkcionalnog aspekta, već se na prvo mjesto stavlja estetski rezultat. Najbolji način za postizanje visokoestetskih rezultata u kompleksnim interdisciplinarnim rehabilitacijama je temeljito 3D planiranje fokusirajući se na lice kao cjelinu. Kako savladati glavne izazove pri rehabilitaciji osmijeha i koliko je uistinu važan smile design? Na koji način integrirati smile design i orofacijalne principe kojima moramo vladati pri rehabilitaciji multidisciplinarnih slučajeva? Zašto je važno fokusirati se na cijelo lice pri planiranju terapije i na koji nam način moderna tehnologija pomaže u postizanju finalnog rezultata prirodnog izgleda neovisno radi li se o rehabilitaciji potpuno ozubljenih čeljusti, djelomičnim ili potpunim bezubostima?
U predavanju će se prikazati mogućnosti i značenje moderne sveobuhvatne stomatologije, koji su trendovi i koristi u svakodnevnoj praksi te zašto je potrebno primjenjivati ta načela. Kako realizirati predvidljivu, bržu i efikasniju egzekuciju rehabilitacije osmijeha korištenjem digitalnih rješenja u planiranju, kirurškoj i protetskoj fazi sa naglaskom na implantološka rješenja.
FP1-FP2-FP3 prosthetics
From a Single Tooth Replacement to a Full Arch Rehabilitation
dr. Damir Jelušić
Today’s dental world revolves around implants; teeth are preserved, edentulous patients desire fixed solutions, and patients’ wishes are effectiveness, aesthetics, and function. Is it possible to harmoniously combine the treatment of bone loss, immediacy, and aesthetics?
Tooth extraction introduces patients to the world of dental implants. The most effective way to replace a tooth after extraction is immediate implant placement. This approach has many advantages such as saving time, being effective, and offering biological benefits. The most important biological benefits include preserving and preventing post-extraction bone loss, as well as maintaining, or even better, enhancing the soft tissue profile. Considering FP1, FP2, or FP3 prosthetic designs is about balancing the degree of hard and soft tissue retraction with standard tooth dimensions.
FP1 prosthetic design means rehabilitation based on pure dental design in its standard dimensions, like crowns and bridges. FP2 designs look like periodontal crowns and bridges with tissue retractions. FP2 restorations always have longer teeth. FP3 design replaces not only the teeth but also the hard tissue component that is missing due to advanced bone resorption. In FP3 restorations, a flange of pink restorative material is mandatory. Such aesthetics is usually called white and pink aesthetics.
In this lecture, the biological principles of bone loss after tooth extraction will be discussed and presented, along with their consequences on our clinical approach. Where are the limits of immediate implant placement, and what are the prerequisites for safe and predictable implant placement in such an environment? Do we need bone substitutes, and can we restore the tooth or an entire arch on implants placed in an extraction socket? Through clinical cases, techniques, and procedures, we will present and discuss step-by-step methods for transitioning from single tooth replacement to full arch rehabilitation, and from anterior zone to posterior solutions.
Protetski vođena implantologija i digitalna rješenja
dr. Zoran Kovač
uskoro više informacija
14:30 - 15:30
Stanka za ručak
15:30 - 17:45
All-on-4 ® Treatment Concept – Malo Clinic Surgical Approach
Broj sudionika max.: 24 osobe
The loss of teeth has an undeniable impact on the global population daily life and social interaction.
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Through innovation, along with continuous clinical and scientific research, it has become possible to treat virtually every edentulous case with a highly functional and esthetic fixed solution, increasing the quality of life for these patients. The All-on-4 ® concept for rehabilitation of the complete edentulous has allowed thousands of clinicians around the world to achieve this essential goal for their patients.
The rehabilitation of these patients is a team approach involving surgeon, prosthodontists, lab technician and dental hygienist. The surgical stage follows the All-on-4 surgical protocol – an innovative technique developed in the early 90’s with Prof. Paulo Maló and his team that allows for immediate function, full-arch, implant supported prosthetics. This widely applicable surgical protocol allows for a simplified and immediate rehabilitation with a provisional bridge fixed on 4 implants, with minimum cantilevers, delivered 3 to 4 hours after the surgery.
Clinical management of patients through this protocol will be presented by demonstrating the medical data gathering process, diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical protocols and insights of both provisional and definitive implant-supported prosthesis.
Laerning Objectives:
- Review the principles, advantages, objectives of the All-on-4® Treatment Concept;
- Follow the Evolution of this Treatment Concept to overcome past and present challenges;
- Acquire the knowledge to make the proper diagnosis, surgery, prosthetic and maintenance of your case
- Acquire the practice to place implants according to the All-on-4® Treatment Concept
15:30 - 17:45
Moderan pristup dijagnostici, planiranju i kirurško-protetskom zbrinjavanju pacijenata u jednoj posjeti - DTX Clinic Platforma
DTX Clinic Platforma
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Neke od tema na ovom masterclass predavanju su:
- Digitalni klon ili avatar
- DTX Clinic integralna dijagnostička i klinička platforma
- Finalni protetski dizajn kao vodilja u planiranju i izvođenju kirurškog zahvata
- Planiranje kirurškog postupka i izrada kirurških šablona (Fully Guided/Pilot Guided/X-Guide)
- Izrada o predaja privremenog dizajniranog protetskog rada
15:30 - 17:45
Bone & Soft Tissue Regeneration
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
Indikacije za horizontalne augmentacije
Izbor materijala i kirurske tehnike horizontalne augmentacije
Horizontalna augmentacija posteriorne mandibule – GBR ili shell tehnika
Dr. Andrej Kravanja
Indikacije za managment mekog tkiva nakon augmentacijskih tehnika
Izbor materijala i kirurske tehnike za managment mekih tkiva
Managment mekog tkiva “strip” tehnika
Dr. Luka Marković
15:30 - 17:45
GBR with NOVAMag Membrane: Tips & Tricks
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
Bone regeneration of non-contained defects is associated with lower predictability and increased technical difficulty because of increased soft tissue pressure and slower revascularisation.
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Mechanical properties of the membrane are crucial to counteract the increased soft tissue pressure and prevent the membrane collapsing into the defect and the displacement of the bone graft. The new resorbable, formstable membrane (NOVAMag) is characterized by enhanced mechanical properties which are equal or superior to d-PTFE titanium reinforced membranes.
During the hands-on training different tools and techniques used with NOVAMAg membrane will be explained. The participants will learn how to use the NOVAMAg membrane when regenerating contained and non-contained alveolar bony defects.
To overcome some of the disadvantages of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes, a new type of membrane was developed. The new membrane possesses the advantages of both groups: it is resorbable and has improved mechanical characteristics comparable to non-resorbable titanium reinforced membranes.
15:30 - 17:45
Pacijenti s implantatima – kako održavati zdravlje oko implantata, a kako nekirurški liječiti periimplantitis?
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
Statistički podaci o pojavi patologija oko dentalnih implantata poprilično su poražavajući: čak do 50% implantata u nekom trenutku razvije mukozitis, a 25% periimplantitis.
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Radionica se kroz teoretski i praktični blok fokusira na kliničke postupke kojima pacijente s implantatima profesionalno podupiremo u održavanju zdravlja oko implantata i sprječavamo nastanak periimplantatnog mukozitisa i periimplantitisa. Kroz radionicu će se također objasniti i vježbati nekirurški postupci kojima se liječe periimplantatne upale. Definirat će se i ograničenja te vrste terapije te ukazati kada je potrebna daljnja (kirurška) terapija.
15:30 - 17:45
Kako voditi učinkovite medicinske timove
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U medicinskim timovima važno je da svi članovi budu motivirani, kompetentni i posvećeni dobrobiti pacijenta.
Time osiguravamo veću uspješnost terapija i bolje ishode liječenja, ali i bolje upravljanje resursima koji su nam na raspolaganju.
Pitanja na koja ćemo dati odgovore na radionici su:
- Kako pronaći idealnog člana tima
- Kako osigurati angažiranost članova tima
- Kako efikasno postavljati timske ciljeve
- Kako koristiti sastanke kao alate utjecaja (leadershipa)
- Kako sustavno razvijati kompetencije u medicinskim timovima.
PERIORUN Dental Race
21:00- 01:00
Get-together PERIOIMPLANT Event
8:30 - 9:00
Europske i nacionalne smjernice za liječenje parodontitisa i periimplantatnih bolesti
Pacijenti s parodontitisom – kako ih zapravo liječiti?
Dr. Larisa Musić
Pacijenti s periimplantatnim bolestima – kako ih zapravo liječiti?
Dr. Davor Kuiš
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Pacijenti s parodontitisom – kako ih zapravo liječiti?
dr. Larisa Musić
Kako se ispravno i uspješno liječe pacijenti s parodontitisom? Koje instrumente koristiti, koje dodatne terapijske postupke i lijekove uključiti, kada postoji potreba za kirurških liječenjem parodontitisa, i kojom točno vrstom zahvata, te kada započeti i provoditi sve ostale dentalne terapijske postupke (ortodoncija, protetika, implantologija)?
Smjernice za liječenje niza različitih bolesti odavno su prisutne u medicini. U svijetu parodontologije 2020. i 2022. godine dogodila se svojevrsna revolucija – po prvi su put u povijesti europske parodontologije publicirane službene smjernice za liječenje pacijenata s parodontitisom svih stadija bolesti. Smjernice su namijenjene informiranju kliničara, zdravstvenih sustava, policy makera i javnosti o najučinkovitijim modalitetima liječenja, temeljenim na dostupnim znanstvenim spoznajama.
Cilj ovog predavanja jest da se predstavljanjem novih smjernica te pružanjem stručno i znanstveno utemeljenih informacija odgovori na gornja, i mnoga druga svakodnevna klinička pitanja o terapiji pacijenata s parodontitisom.
Pacijenti s periimplantatnim bolestima – kako ih zapravo liječiti?
dr. Davor Kuiš
Statistički podaci su neumoljivi – svaki drugi pacijent s dentalnim implantatom razvit će periimplantatni mukozitis, a svaki četvrti periimplantitis. Povrh toga, liječenje je kompleksnije a ishodi nepredvidljiviji u odnosu na gingivitis i parodontitis.
Europska federacija za parodontologiju učinila je jedan od najvećih iskoraka u dijagnostici, prevenciji i liječenju periimplantatnih bolesti još 2017. godine s Klasifikacijom, a 2023. godine izdaje i Kliničke smjernice za prevenciju i liječenje periimplantatnih bolesti.
Cilj predavanja je prikazati preventivne i terapijske kliničke postupke temeljene na trenutno dostupnim znanstvenim dokazima koji bi se trebali provoditi tijekom planiranja i postavljanja dentalnih implantata, kao i u dugoročnom praćenju pacijenata kojima su zubi nadoknađeni dentalnim implantatima.
Hrvatsko parodontološko društvo kao krovno parodontološko stručno društvo u Republici Hrvatskoj i nacionalni član Europske federacije za parodontologiju prevelo je Smjernice za liječenje parodontitisa od stadija I do IV i Smjernice za prevenciju i liječenje periimplantatnih bolesti te time započelo proces njihove implementacije. Diseminacija Smjernica u tiskanom obliku očekuje se do kraja 2024. godine.
9:00 - 10:30
When the bone sets the tone… Koštana regeneracija ili druga rješenja?
State of the art grafting materials in bone regeneration
Dr. Laszlo Parkanyi
GBR with NOVAMag Membrane: New possibilities
Dr. Marko Blašković
3D Bone Augmentation – Hard and Soft Tissue Considerations
Dr. Andrej Kravanja
Filozofija potpunih bezubosti
Različiti pristupi i koncepti u rješvanju problema bezubih čeljusti
Dr. Marko Krmpotić
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State of the art grafting materials in bone regeneration
Dr. Laszlo Parkanyi
Bone grafting in implant dentistry has been a routine treatment modality to restore the resorbed jaw bone, as to prevent its resorption in a certain extent. At first, our only option was to use autologous bone, which is highly invasive for patients, moreover, technique sensitive and time consuming for the operator. Today bone substitutes are present and continuously evolving, to save time, make surgeries less invasive, and easier to perform! In this lecture we will be discussing the enhanced possibilities with the latest and most advanced bone grafting material on the market, demonstrated with clinical cases.
GBR with NOVAMag Membrane: New possibilities
dr. Marko Blašković
Guided bone regeneration is the best documented technique for alveolar bone regeneration. This surgical technique is characterized by the application of a membrane which has the purpose to exclude non-osteogenic cells from interfering with the bone regeneration process. Today, there are several different membranes developed for the guided bone regeneration technique on the market. All the membranes can be clustered into two different groups: resorbable and non-resorbable. Each group is characterized by their own advantages and disadvantages. Resorbable membranes are less demanding to use, they do not need to be removed from the surgical site and have a lower exposure rate. Despite that, they have some disadvantages, bad mechanical properties which can lead to bone graft dislocation and the loss of the surgical site. On the other hand, non-resorbable membranes possess better mechanical properties but have a higher exposure rate and require an additional surgical procedure to be removed from the surgical site.
To overcome some of the disadvantages of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes, a new type of membrane was developed. The new membrane possesses the advantages of both groups: it is resorbable and has improved mechanical characteristics comparable to non-resorbable titanium reinforced membranes.
3D Bone Augmentation – Hard and Soft Tissue Considerations
dr. Andrej Kravanja
In bone augmentation procedures, there are both hard tissue and soft tissue perspectives that need to be considered to achieve a successful outcome. The focus of discussion will cover diagnostic tools, digital dentistry, the selection of the proper bone grafting materials and surgical techniques used for augmentation procedures. With the advancements in digital dentistry, the process of bone grafting has become more efficient and precise, leading to better outcomes for patients and more precise hard and soft tissue grafting procedures.
Soft tissue augmentation following bone augmentation procedures have a functional and esthetic role. Adequate soft tissue coverage is essential for protecting the underlying bone graft and maintaining long-term stability, while soft tissue contours and symmetry are important factors in achieving esthetics, a natural and harmonious appearance.
Overall, a comprehensive approach that considers both hard and soft tissue perspectives combined with digital workflow is essential for achieving successful outcomes in bone augmentation procedures in dentistry.
Filozofija potpunih bezubosti
Različiti pristupi i koncepti u rješvanju problema bezubih čeljusti
Dr. Marko Krmpotić
Potpune bezubost, bilo kao dugogodišnje stanje ili terminalna denticija koja vodi gubitku svih zuba, česta su i zahtjevna problematika u svakodnevnoj praksi. Od prvog Branemarkovog dokumentiranog slučaja prije 65 godina pa do danas implantologija nudi različita rješenja i pristupe za ovaj prije svega veliki zdravstveni problem.
Dati će se povijesni razvoj terapijskih pristupa te trenutačna high-end dostignuća na tom planu: pokrovne proteze na implantatima sa lokatorima i prečke, fiksni cementirani mostovi na 6 i 8 implantata, All-on-4 i All-on-6 rješenja, upotreba zigomatičnih, pterigoidnih, transinusnih i nazalnih implantata za potpunu bezubost u gornjoj čeljusti, FP1 mostovi, subperiostalni implantati.
Prezentirati će se suvremeni pristup ovoj problematici: operativni zahvat bez regeneracije kosti (free-hand ili guided), imedijatna funkcija (provizorij isti dan), fiksni mostovi na vijke (FP1, FP2 ili FP3) u analognom ili digitalnom protokolu, kao zlatni standard za efikasnu implantoprotetsku rehabilitaciju bezubih pacijenata.
10:30 - 11:15
Beyond Full: Arch Palatal approach, trans-sinus and implants in the pterygoid area
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Key focus areas include FP3 and FP1 techniques, providing step-by-step guidance on their implementation. The session will explore an extreme approach to full arches, with a detailed examination of the palatal approach and the strategic placement of implants in the pterygoid area. Emphasis will also be placed on soft tissue grafting and manipulation, as well as various augmentation and preservation techniques essential for optimal implant success. The role of guided surgery in improving accuracy and efficiency will be highlighted, ensuring attendees leave with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary full arch implantology.
11:15 - 12:00
Stanka za kavu
Grab a coffee, drink or a snack.
12:00 - 13:45
Mucogingival approach to implant placement
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The aim of the lecture will be to describe a mucogingival approach to immediate implant installation that allow performing this surgical treatment also in different clinical scenarios, such as:
- Unfavorable position of the soft tissue margin of the tooth to be extracted
- Unfavorable condition of the soft tissue margin of the adjacent teeth (presence of gingival recession or altered passive eruption)
- Loss of papillae height and thickness of the tooth to be extracted
- Unfavorable condition of the buccal bone wall
Learning objectives
- Identify indications for immediate implant placement
- Learn how to use in the proper way the biomaterials for GBR
- Learn how to manage flap elevation and CTG
13:45 - 14:30
Digital and Zirconia in Prosthetic Dentistry: Workflow optimization
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He will explain how to choose the right zirconia based on the clinical situation, how to properly prepare the teeth for the use of zirconia and intraoral scanner, and how to correctly cement the zirconia. The speaker will point out his approach to prosthetic treatment, from simple cases to more complex ones: practical advice and tricks and tips will be given to achieve accurate scans on both natural teeth and implants cases.
15:00 - 17:15
Surgical techniques for clinical crown lengthening
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
The course is intended for dentists who deal with the aesthetic and functional challenges of reduced clinical crowns in their practice.
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Such patients often require complex prosthetic solutions that cannot meet aesthetic needs unless a surgical procedure of clinical crown lengthening is performed.
The course is intended for dentists who deal with the aesthetic and functional challenges of reduced clinical crowns in their practice. Such patients often require complex prosthetic solutions that cannot meet aesthetic needs unless a surgical procedure of clinical crown lengthening is performed.
The purpose of the course is to acquaint participants with surgical techniques for the clinical crown lengthening. They will have the opportunity to practice on an animal model, and the decision criteria for proper planning of further therapy will be explained. Participants will be introduced to surgical instruments, the basics of surgical flap design, and the closure of the surgical field.
15:00 - 17:15
Esthetic solution with immediate implant placement & immediate loading in the anterior zone - Digital Approach
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
During the hands-on course, every participant will practice immediate implant placement in a 3D position with abutment placement.
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The case on the model will be treated with the help of a surgical guide, which allows for the ideal prosthetic position of the implant. Immediate fabrication of a bridge will be done accordingly to preserve and create an optimal emergence profile. The site will be grafted, the final abutment will be placed, and the positioning and adaptation of the provisional bridge will be ensured for an ideal healing process. Each participant will be guided and assisted through this process of implantation, 3D positioning, and tissue adaptation.
15:00 - 17:15
Beyond Full: Arch Palatal approach, trans-sinus and implants in the pterygoid area
Broj sudionika max.: 20 osoba
Prijave na radionicu primaju se isključivo na e-mail info@perioimplant.com.hr
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The hands-on session on advanced full arch procedures will offer an in-depth exploration of sophisticated techniques and strategies for managing complex cases. Participants will gain practical experience with the palatal approach, a cutting-edge method that enhances implant stability and patient outcomes. The session will also cover the use of implants in the pterygoid region, demonstrating their effectiveness in providing robust support in challenging anatomical situations. Through interactive demonstrations and hands-on practice, attendees will learn to navigate and manage complex surgical cases with confidence and precision. This comprehensive training aims to equip dental professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in advanced full arch implantology, ultimately improving patient care and treatment success rates.
15:30 - 17:45
Mucogingival esthetic surgery around teeth & implants
Broj sudionika max.: 24 osobe
The hands-on course is planned and designed to develop periodontal surgical skills.
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The aim of the workshop is to teach the participants the procedure of the coronal advanced flap, the harvesting technique of the connective tissue graft and the use of a collagen matrix for the treatment of gingival recessions.
The workshop will be held by Prof. Zucchelli who will show on the pig’s jaw the procedures that will be performed by all the participants. Participants will be individually followed while performing the exercises and will receive direct suggestions from the mentor.
Learning objectives of the workshop:
- Describe step by step root coverage surgical procedures
- Describe step by step connective tissue graft harvesting
- Manipulation of a collagen matrix as CTG substitute
- Suturing techniques